Jonathan Tirone's DIY Guitar, Instrument building and
Electronics Page
By Jon Tirone
(Also known as John Fisher)
Guitar and instrument building
How to build a Les Paul Style Guitar the "HARD" way
How to build a Stratocaster Style Guitar the "HARD" way
How to build an "F" Style Mandolin
Guitar repair tricks and tips
How I fixed a broken head on a guitar
How I fixed a broken head on a guitar II
How I fixed a broken head on a guitar III
Alternative building materials for building guitars
Some guitars that I have built
Here is a fret calculating program that will even let you
print out a template of your fret board
Pickup Making
How to make a Humbucking Pickup the "HARD" way
Make a Counter out of a Calculator
Electronics and Things to build
Cheap 100 to 150 watt amplifier
Building a Champ guitar amp made out of Junk Parts
Ultra Simple Line Mixer for the Studio
Make you own Output Transformer for a Tube Amp
Crazy Idea about Transformer II
Using an old Computer Box to build a guitar Amplifier
A Good Cheap way to make PCB's (Printed Circuit Boards) from Photo Paper
Home Recording
Build a simple homemade Bass Trap for your Studio
Build an Ultra Simple Headphone Box
Things of a more Personal Nature
My Story in a Nutshell (Everybody likes to talk about themselves)
Famous Quotes from Famous People
Argument (A helpful study about arguing and how to overcome it)
Please feel free to e-mail me
© Copyright by Jon Tirone
The contents of this web site are property of John Fisher and any use in part or in full for financial gain is prohibited