
Jonathan Tirone's DIY Guitar, Instrument building and

Electronics Page

By Jon Tirone

(Also known as John Fisher)

Guitar and instrument building

How to build a Les Paul Style Guitar the "HARD" way

How to build a Stratocaster Style Guitar the "HARD" way

How to build an "F" Style Mandolin 

How to build an Banjo

Guitar repair tricks and tips

How I fixed a broken head on a guitar

How I fixed a broken head on a guitar II

How I fixed a broken head on a guitar III

Alternative building materials for building guitars

Some guitars that I have built

Here is a fret calculating program that will even let you

print out a template of your fret board

(wfret zip 2.94mb)

Pickup Making

My first Homemade Pickup

How to make a Humbucking Pickup the "HARD" way

Make a Counter out of a Calculator

Electronics and Things to build

Cheap 100 to 150 watt amplifier

Building a Champ guitar amp made out of Junk Parts

My 40 watt tube amp I built

Ultra Simple Line Mixer for the Studio

Make you own Output Transformer for a Tube Amp

Alternative Circuit Boards

Crazy Idea about Transformers

Crazy Idea about Transformer II

Using old transformers

Wire Data

DIY Stomp Box Enclosures

My Homemade Snake

Using an old Computer Box to build a guitar Amplifier

A Good Cheap way to make PCB's (Printed Circuit Boards) from Photo Paper

Home Recording

Build a simple homemade Bass Trap for your Studio

Build an Ultra Simple Headphone Box

Things of a more Personal Nature

My Story in a Nutshell (Everybody likes to talk about themselves)

Famous Quotes from Famous People

Argument (A helpful study about arguing and how to overcome it)

Please feel free to e-mail me


© Copyright by Jon Tirone

The contents of this web site are property of John Fisher and any use in part or in full for financial gain is prohibited